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This is on facebook but for me to remember... so pretty! and so funny that the last row = all animals.

a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search (
b. Using ONLY the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into Mosaic Maker. Change rows to 3 and columns to 3 (
d. Save the image and post it on this note!
e. If you're tagged, pass it on to however many people you want. And tag me. :)

The Questions:
1. What is your first name? (Clarissa)
2. What is your favorite food? (Sushi rolls)
3. What is your favorite color? (Pink)
4. Favorite drink? (Mango shake)
5. Dream vacation? (Corfu, Greece)
6. Favorite hobby? (Snowboarding)
7. What do you want to be when you grow up? (Dolphin trainer)
8. What do you love most in life? (Beauty)
9. One word to describe you? (Calm)

1. Clarissa and Chi Chi 8, 2. temari sushi, 3. Water sculpture, 4. refreshingly good!, 5. Krf, Grcka (Corfu, Greece), 6. Wall #1, 7. Hawaii #16 - Baby wolphin, 8. My Girls..., 9. Savoir Vivre... hmmmmmm

fleeting days

i'm counting down the weeks. and i don't know if this is like a self-fulfilling prophecy, but after lindsey's email i'm like yes, i am stressed. she said that "this is a really emotional and stressful season, even if it doesn't feel like it", and i guess i've come to believe it even though i don't think i was that stressed before.. or maybe the overeating/constant snacking was a symptom or whatever you call it.

anyway, after today, i'm just like i'm so tired, why the heck did i not plan my classes properly so i wouldn't have to take so many freaking classes in my last quarter. and even then i don't know if it would make a difference... although i'm tempted to drop either accounting or the research thing. but i feel like i can't drop research since i talked to her and all that, and it is, sort of, a full-time option even though i haven't talked to her about that recently. psych paper due today, i don't think it was fantastic so praying for favour with graders, i have to write another 2 page thing for econ due tmr and i'm tired... there's a career fair tmr and thurs, oh look, here's the job thing coming up

counting down the weeks, because with 7 weeks left, i can't even figure out whether i should be enjoying myself or trying to find a job. because those two are, i think, quite contradictory and both take time. one of them has to come first and i don't know which one. if i don't end up getting a job here and i spent most of my last quarter here trying to do that, that would really suck.. as opposed to if i knew i was going to go home and making the best of my last weeks here. and i still have those 18 units worth of class... but again, i guess if i stay i'll have weekends to play. but now, trying hard doesn't equal GETTING a job. sigh.

i guess it's still possible to take a break after graduating like daryl/junwan did. but.. dunno. my mom seems to assume that i'm going home too, she asked me whether i was going to start shipping stuff back. AUGH. i hate life decisions. ok, this is sounding so angsty.. probably doesn't help that it's so windy and cold:(

and it's not that i don't believe God will provide. because ultimately, He will. and i just looked at the resurrection passage. because He rose again, we have hope! the only problem being i don't feel very hopeful at the moment and i'm just tired. but oh, i just found this. 1 John 5:14 Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. just for me... haha.

update: yay for friends, had dinner w annie & yeye (my little from akpsi) and i feel better! even though, the problem is still there, i feel better about life. talk about moodswings... man.


my roommate was arguing with her boyfriend again (on the phone) and i could hear her raised voice and it just made me feel so uncomfortable. uncomfortable isn't even the correct word.. antsy? i have no idea. i am extremely extremely conflict-averse. as are most people, i guess. i don't know. and the whole raised voice thing happens so regularly (well, frequently enough) that i'm just like are relationships supposed to be like that?? i thought you're supposed to be happy most of the time..

and then i check my zipcar account and realize that i got charged $50 for returning the car late. i really should've made sure we left on time to get the car returned on time... i feel bad making the student group pay for it, but i don't want to pay for it either. sigh. this is what comes of not being insistent enough.

not so crappy anymore, just puzzled

okay, talked to my roommate about her bf issues. i am unbelievably ill-equipped to give relationship advice, i wonder why i've been finding myself in such situations. i never wanted to go through the whole heartbreak thing, but it almost makes me feel as though i would be better able to relate to people when they tell me about it. like my roommate was like "it's hard to let go, i took 1.5 years to actually break up with my last bf" and i'm like okay... given that i've never found myself in that situation i don't quite know what to say.

but even then, actually, i think i'll just be thankful that God has kept my heart whole since that's what i always wanted anyway. or at least, i THINK it's whole.
now, how to add empathy to the picture... hm.

oh man, i just realized that another friend i'm meeting on wed sort of has issues of the heart too. why can't our world be perfect... i guess that's what heaven is. rawr. light please?

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