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sigh i can't sleep! maybe the excitement hasn't worn off. anyway I feel so blessed. just one night (more like afternoon + night i guess) and God has given me so much. I'm almost tempted to say "all I ever hoped for", but of course that's not really the case. it's so weird though, He works in such mysterious ways. and I don't even know why I'm so happy about it. I suppose somehow or other, after all the people I've gotten to know, Citibank has come to mean something to me. kind of weird huh?

anyway.. so originally when my boss asked HR they said i couldn't go. even though, in his words, he fought very hard for me. so I was kind of disappointed but resigned to it -shrug- it's really funny cos at first i was like nope, why would i want to go.. it'd just be weird. then i gradually got more amenable to it cos pple were all talking about it and what they were going to dress up as.. but then I found out I couldn't go so I was like sigh, whatever then..

And then today I decided to go to the costume shop with my boss and his fellow management associates, one of them is a relationship manager(RM) in training [rahul], another one is a full fledged (well, sort of) RM [EC]. since they were leaving early and i had nothing else to do anyway.. not until dinnertime when i was supposed to meet jiahui and adeline.

so we got there, and i was sort of advising them on costumes and such.. and then rahul kept asking me why i wasn't going! anyhow in the end he just called up the organizers and asked if there was space.. and there was! and i was like serious???? so i called up poor jiahui to cancel on them.. for like the dunno how many-ieth time. felt kinda bad about it. but luckily they were meeting pam yeo so it wasn't so bad i guess:p

oh and i got to wear a fun costume (egyptian queen!:p). although it got rather scratchy/hot after a while -_- haha. actually i don't think it looks THAT good on me. anyhow. yes, i also got to see everyone I wanted to see (which was quite amazing cos different departments were at different tables). anyhow hopefully everyone sends photos to me cos I didn't have my camera -sob-

and then kelvin drove me home too. so, very blessed today I feel!:) it's not even such a big deal I think. oh well. just happy anyway:) two weeks left.. hardly. I'm so glad I got to intern here though. Although it seems like what I'm taking from it is more about my style of interaction/getting to know people/work more than the financey stuff. Even though I'm sure there's that stuff too.. not as impactful. it's the interactions with people I'll remember.

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