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sometimes i just want to quit school. and do what, i don't know. it's been such a long day, i am so tired, and it isn't over yet. actually i guess i could sleep. oh no i have to write that thank you letter first. okay actually my spirits just lifted a little cos Still by Hillsongs was playing and thinking about God's majesty helps. and Seihout finally returned my call so at least I know he's going tomorrow.

anyway, to puff off some steam, it's just so tiring to think about jobs (internships), planning stuff (ski trip is such a nightmare), i haven't really thought about the studying bit, guess that's the least of my worries since most things are structured. hah. alright i shouldn't really dwell on these things cos they'll just make me more depressed.

but the summary is that i didn't get much sleep last night cos was prepping for interview, ditto today.. and after my interview i had various meetings (including some akpsi-only mckinsey info session and all these recruiting things are very intimidating), was reminded of the lack of initiative i have wrt sas, definitely could do a lot more and i don't know where the new year resolution went. and ski trip is really really such a nightmare, i really pray that everything works out and we'll have a good time.

masters students make up the bulk of the participants, and i didn't send out the word early enough about the trip so they planned their own and booked their own place. so we ended up with very few people and lack of drivers. i guess it's not that huge a problem.. dunno la.

maybe i just wasn't cut out for all this. but no, my parents are spending so much money and i'm just tired right now. so so tired. i should sleep. at least there's only cs tmr. and the first week of school will be over.

so i'm back! man i'm still kind of tired.. not really ready to go out and face the stanford world. haha okay that sounds so dramatic. but didn't get much sleep on the plane, my room is so comfortable i don't want to go out, and, as i was telling jon, have to be nice and social. sometimes its the fear (or inertia) that's worse than the actual thing though. many times, in fact. blah.

but i'm sort of unpacked! so that's good. and my expensive black jacket is nice and warm so i'm happy:) at least it was money well spent, i hope. alright i need to stop procrastinating! and i actually kind of miss jackie's aircon cos its a bit hot (it's more like fall weather rather than winter, isn't that crazy? not complaining though).

okay! to work! work work work so i can sleep in peace!

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