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thursday night:
hmm. i am rather amused. my roomie has just informed me that last night when one of our dormmates came running to our room and yelling about something or other i sat up and glared at her like i was going to kill her. quote her "i was really scared of you" (or something to that effect). hmm. and i don't remember doing that actually. just goes to show how incensed i can be when unfairly awoken. ahaha. or maybe my subconscious taking over since i'm not overtly emotional in real life. even though i must admit there were times when my roomie's alarm clock would go off multiple times (and for at least 3mins each time) and i felt like screaming at her.

i'm so thankful for lovely singaporean upperclassmen. last quarter when i blogged about how awful i was feeling shineik'd talk to me about it.. yesterday i realized how unprepared i was for the next week (and for tmr; 6-8 page pwr paper of which i had 1 paragraph written and no idea how to go about writing the rest of it) and was rather despondent so sean was trying to cheer me up. and then i was telling ruixiong about how my econ 50 prof is new so we don't have practice midterms (okay we have one from last year but that's it) and he offered to lend me his notes and when i came back from a very long day (8:45 to 6) i found a whole stack of notes under my door and before realizing it was his notes i was wondering why someone dumped so much stuff there. hehe. and tonight [friday night] sean and joel were out and got krispy kreme for us. well even though i didn't get to eat cos i didn't pick up my phone cos i was in mixed co (acappella) concert it was still really nice of them:) wow my sentences seem to be really long today, must be the last-minute chionging of a 6 page paper.

and anyway i had ihum section reunion dinner so that equals good food and gelato! although i still think venezia gelato is better.. -shrugs- maybe cos that's the first gelato i ate. hm. yeah. and theirs isn't so creamy.. maybe i'm just deceived by their 99% non fat or watever the sign is haha.

now i need to decide on what to present on with regard to french culture. and decide if i should go for the mozart concert on sunday and get 1% extra credit for ihum or go for lunch. haha. i can already hear it "are you a true sporean or not?" (which is what jackie asked me when we were still eating at 8 and bon bon ball swing class started: dance or food? heh) but actually sporeans are also kiasu wat.. besides being great food lovers. bah.

right. since i've slacked since 5:30 till now (10:30) i should go something productive.

i'm bored and i don't feel like doing my work. even though i know jolly well i ought to be doing my work now so i don't die next week. ahh. and if i manage to finish fast i might even be able to go snowboarding (if they do go). ahh! sigh. i figured yesterday was cos i was pretty much trying to do work from 2.30pm to 12.30. or something like that. haha. trying is the word though.

and if i sit at my desk i'm just tempted to eat. and eat. and eat. :(
today's dance was fun though, sth to do with viennese ball or something.

okay well i didn't finish that yesterday so. i am SO pissed off at cingular. the past however many times i've called them to ask sth about my bill, it was just fine. and today, this guy decides that oh, since i don't have an ssn, i need a password before they can access my account and answer my questions. i.e., i'm supposed to go down to a cingular store and get one. how stupid is that? and they've been taxing me for some spastic thing which i don't even know; the last time i asked, the guy was like, oh, it's govt taxes, we don't know anything about it. maybe i just shouldn't bother so much and just pay it. freaking annoying though.

just read val's blog. she always sounds so happy it's really amazing.. maybe cos i only blog when i'm not particularly happy haha. come to think of it it's probably true that when i'm happy i won't be blogging. oh well.

under sean's persuasion i ended up in glen's house watching the 2nd and 3rd quarters of superbowl. it was certainly interesting though, given i'd only watched the big game since i've gotten here. it's really different watching top teams play. at least there's more action. and more skill. haha. and lisa fetched me back! oh and joel fetched me there! yay for them.. oh lunch at korean house was quite hilarious, with various stories of microwaving/cooking attempts.

my mom has a tendency to remind me of things i'd rather not think about. so i'm supposed to come here and become a totally different person. how possible is that anyway? maybe i'm supposed to develop two identities or something. although she's right, one doesn't spend $300 k to come here and do the same stuff one could do back at home. it's so easy to slip back into old ways though. in every aspect.

oh a few more amusing things: one of the spore-stanford exchange students who went to church today thought i was sean's sister cos "i look so young". rofl. i don't think sean was very flattered. but i told him he's almost my bro's age anyway. haha. even though that wasn't the point.
last night my mom called and my bro talked to me for a bit. told me "papa has two new pets, he's busy playing with them now".
me, mystified, "what pets?"
bro "two crabs"
clar is rather amused. normally my dad likes buying electronic gadgets of sorts so i thought it was some other new toy but i suppose that couldn't be a pet. though for a moment my mind conjured up an image of tortoises or something, i dunno why.
me "how's he playing with them?"
bro/mom in the background "he puts some water (in the bucket) and prods them so they move"
rofl. and they're gonna eat them tonight.
reminds me of my dormmate telling me how my roomie held a hello panda, exclaimed "so cute!" and happily popped it into her mouth.

just back from church (and lunch at korean house) today. haha we arrived at the 6th song, sadly. woke up at 7:30 originally but i decided a couple more minutes in my nice warm bed would be good, but it ended up half an hour. and coincidentally enough sean just woke up too. oh well. so much for our resolve to get there for the first song. haha.

friday was a really nice day. i actually decided to carry out my intention of exercising (well, sort of anyway) and go visit the athletic center(s). the buildings look really nice. maybe i'll go climb the rockwall next week heh. and i visited the barn! cos it was such a nice sunny day. it's pretty far away.. past frosoco and the tennis courts. but it's really pretty. and i haven't seen horses in so long. saw jane there but unfortunately she'd finished riding for the day. oh well. another time!

saturday. i don't think i got that much work done. was trying to nap but wasn't particularly successful hmm. anyway, jackie insisted that i go over to her place and cook roti prata (surprise surprise) and rice and lap cheong (not that i like this very much but well). before that we went to get cheesecake (yum!!!) and were trying to find eggs so she could have her omelette and me my half-boiled egg but they only sold it in dozens so too bad. no way am i going to cook multiple times over the next week. ahaha. our cooking adventure was really interesting/fun though. the crazy light in the kitchennette kept going off so while we were frying the prata it'd suddenly get dark and we had to jump around to get the light to switch on again.. but the prata was really good. only thing: no sugar/curry (sigh).

rice also turned out pretty well, considering that i haven't steamed rice in more than like 4 years since our last home econs class in rg. ahaha. nor have i hung out in the kitchen to watch my mom cook (actually come to think of it she doesn't cook very often anyway).

bon bon ball was interesting. very crowded though. and i wish we learnt more dances/steps. but well, it's only been four weeks, guess it won't do to be too demanding. i want to learn so many things i'll despair of ever graduating if i take all the classes here. heh. all the languages and the instruments and the dances. okay i just realized they're all artsy.

man i think daryl's right. i may have to skip dinner. ah but i know i won't.. i shall just have to make sure i eat less. these buffet things.. i must develop more self control. of course, it doesn't help that i have an open pack of m&m's on my table and i keep popping some into my mouth.

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