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another week! time really passes so quickly. and i'm so puzzled, i'm supposedly taking a lighter courseload but i'm still not really up to speed! i guess the two-consecutive-ski-trips didn't help.. but they were fun:) although the S@S one would've been better w more people, definitely. the house for dorm ski trip was SO huge.. pretty cool.

anyway yes, i really don't know what i've gotten myself into but i thank God many times for all the opportunities anyway.. still wondering what his plan for my summer is though. guess we'll see how it goes this weekend and next week and blahh... somehow i keep thinking of Seabiscuit and how he won the race against the superhorse War Admiral, only because of the training that his trainer focused on and the jockey's strategy. the exact phrase escapes me but it somehow keeps resounding in my mind.

going to be busy busy busy!! ahh. actually i already am. and i also figured my classes are quite a bit harder this quarter.. either that or i'm getting stupider, haha. and i haven't really been able to keep my promise to my dad which kind of worries me. i try! okay not really i guess. hm. last night was doing oxford apps, coding CS, now i'm studying for a midterm, tmr i have a pset to do, i'm sure i have more stuff for the rest of the week.. ahhhh!

right i really need to understand and internalize all this econometrics stuff, augh.

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