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yay home! i was SO thankful for SQ when i was on the way back... 11 hour flights are torturous. although i wasn't that enchanted by SQ's movie selection this time, sadly. and yay for free wireless @ Seoul airport.

the most amazing/hilarious thing happened - so i got home at 1am+, slept at 2am, when i woke up it was dark and i saw "7" on my watch but couldn't tell whether it was AM/PM, so i assumed it was AM, although i was quite puzzled as to how come I was feeling so rested if I'd only slept for 5 hrs - you have to remember that i'd slept 3 hrs for the past two nights before i left, and probably even less on the plane... anyway i decided that i had to go back to sleep if it'd only been 5 hrs, but 1/2hr later my brother thunders into the room and insists that i get up. and i'm like wat?! no i'm going back to sleep! and then he said it was dinnertime and i was like OH, i thought it was morning. haha. i was very happy :) 18 hrs without getting up! apparently my mom came in at 7 to check if i was awake, which woke me up.

anyway, other random thoughts on the way home and when i got home:
when at the airport, staring at the blue sky, somehow i just realized how my good friends are graduating and i'm sad. that they won't be around to go out with, cook with (rarely, and i don't do the cooking :p) and share experiences with, basically. so now i know why jon and cs were complaining that 3 years is too short.

and when i got home, i realized i missed my parents. like having friends is great (i remember reading somewhere that friends are family that you choose), but having family to take care of you is good too. heh.

another thing when i got home (in general) is that singapore has changed, and the less often i come back (or the longer i stay in the US), the more used i get to being in the US and singapore starts getting more foreign, which is a little sad...

so once again, i think mommy was right in telling me NOT to TA this stupid class.. it has brought me nothing but trouble since the start of the quarter... but then again i really thought God was leading me to it. maybe i was just blinded by the idea that i was going to earn $ (not really, anymore, given circumstances >.<) and that TAing is like a prestige thing cos it actually means i'm competent (which really, i've questioned the entire quarter)

okay yes i'm in a rather bad mood at the moment... there're just some things you wish you could turn back time and erase, but it can never happen. wish i was home and could forget about all this crap. WHY did this have to happen.. okay i still need to study for a final tomorrow.

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