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well okay i guess today was a better day but i still still still hate it when pple give u such knowing smiles when there's NOTHING to smile about. gah. hmph. why can't pple get it into their heads there's something called platonic relationships? guys and gals can just be very good friends can't they. it really makes life difficult for me. [actually, maybe it isn't so simple as that, but it can't be more either. sigh]
like the whole world's against me. sigh somemore
and i still can't really carry on a decent conversation
wat a pathetic conversationalist.

quote of the day "you look very pretty today!!"

*groan* i just hate it when pple start teasing..
its so irritating!! *snarl*
and why do i care so much abt wat other pple tink
i should just not bother abt them.. but i can't! i need courage! or maybe its just the "don't-care-ness" or watever
result : i'm .. well.. sarcastic, dry, watever.. somehow its the way i am 1/2 the time, even though i don't mean to insult pple. just insult them for fun. but it does get pretty mean i suppose. especially if you don't noe wat i'm like. and now i'm feeling guilty. VERY guilty indeed. in case i really hurt pple's feelings and i don't know what to do. i feel mean, pathetic, horrible, u name it.
moohoohoo (like serene says, i sound like a cow crying *haha*)
lousy poot. *sigh*
such a horrible situation to be in. *big groan*
i shall hope that tomorrow will be a better day

quelquefois.. la vie.. c'est triste. mais parfois, c'est merveilleux

feeling better today :) one finds that sleeping always helps when one is depressed over crap things like piano tchers who love insulting you. *laffs*

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