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the power of a song

so i just felt like listening to a certain chinese pop song which i hadn't listened to in a while (寻友启示 - 明道/许孟哲) and it was a song that i had on replay a lot during summer. it brought back so many memories of walking down the streets of downtown san mateo to and from work, running/wandering along sandhill road and being at jackie's apartment. oh, and my first attempts at cooking, that was definitely interesting. it's amazing how much a song can bring to mind.

i guess i tend to replay songs over and over during a certain period of time and then it gets associated with whatever happens during that time.

update: feb 22 sunday. ah. 1000 years by kang eun soo (from the movie innocent steps) reminds me of freshman year cos i got hooked on the movie when i was on the way home - it's this korean dance show about this girl from china who gets "imported" to korea to learn to dance and falls in love with her teacher. but anyhow, i watched that show at least 4 times on the way back from SFO to SIN and so that song is forever associated with my first trip back home and that winter break. it's actually quite amazing how i can get so obsessed with things sometimes. rather unhealthy. what happened to moderation?! that's probably why i get these eating frenzies.. just like a shark.

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