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clar is super tired. like. really cannot take it anymore. but i got a leetle bit more energetic upon switching on e comp haha. anyways i gotta charge my phone for a while, don't really like e thought of leaving charging for the whole night. yeah.

anyways. yes. i realised today's gala premiere brother bear was quite similar to le papillon. and also to finding nemo. like journey with one crabby guy looking for a destination and then a spastic companion who annoys the crabby guy. yup. very similar. just the characters that they use. like bear, human, fish. haha. quite cute actually. i was even thinking they should go and do a horse one when i remember spirit stallion of the [simarillion?? tt sounds like tolkien's book] anyways i can't remember e exact name but yeah. haven't watched it yet tho.

i must try n remember some quotes frm kai n cheukka frm yesterday. tho actually today lyd was quite silly [as usual;p] forcing poor joon to finish every bit of pasta and admonishing her for every morsel left behind on e plate. hilarious:D -stomachache frm laughing- joon too.

ah. attachment. too tired to type very detailed stuff. ultrasound's cool but a lot of stuff gets quite routine aft a while cos pple either fall under the fibroid/normal check-up [look at uterus/ovaries] or the pregnancy category. which reminds me there was this very cute couple who were so happy over the pregnancy which made me v happy for them too:) and another couple [husb frm rj, wife frm nj] who were absolutely hilarious. e wife sed her husb was nuts and pathetically squeamish and kept making a whole lot of crazy comments.

kk my eyes have been red for quite a while and i'm dead tired so off to bed! -relief-

ooh poor clar's legs are freaking tired. walking frm cine to fish&co glass hse is quite hmm. plus stops at centrepoint and plaza sing. glad i got mommy's pressie hope she likes it:)

woah backgrd is super noisy. father is trying to help resolve some family conflict its quite funny actually if u look at it lightheartedly.. like.. dysfunctional? i dunno. haha he's like taking charge like he's the boss. wielding all e power.

well dinner was quite hilarious. little foursome was so fun:) lovely memories. and silly pple like us:p oww left foot is having pins n needles. anyways papillon was quite funny but heartwarming to an extent too. felt it could have been longer tho.

ah i'll post my complaints abt lotr sometime soon i guess. tho i think lotsa pple will be after my neck hehe:p time to watch my french show on central! whee~

clar is in a rather bad mood. haha like rollercoaster. cos while i'm blogging i see my last post which says clar is v happy. anyhow. i don't know. cumulation of little crap. sigh hopefully tmr's dinner will make it all fine:) =looking foward= yay:) -temporarily happier-

wat to do? quoi faire. je pense que j'ai peur de trop. mais ce n'est pas vraiment juste si je le fais. haha oh dear i forgot the french word for worry! the SE verb. crap. i think angoisser is. but the other one. ah! s'inquieter. just checked haha how sad! je m'inquiete trop aussi.

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