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man. wat a crazy pair of days. as in tues and wed. tues morning was okay, went for dance and 102B (these econ classes.. all drive me nuts, although nothing can beat CS, really).. i think i was reading my book for a while during class haha. oops. the grumpy koala is SO funny though.. lemme try and find a pic

there! grumpy koala:) haha it's so cute.. jackie was amused too:) anyway it's been so long since i read for pleasure, it's a really nice feeling. of course it also means i slack but well.. this quarter has been so disastrous anyway..

anyway so i came back from 102B (fighting the urge to fall asleep), had lunch, took a nap. got woken up by my alarm, then the phone (jackie ordered dinner) and i really didn't feel like getting up but in the end i was kind of awake. and i was glad i got up cos sean was online! yayyy:)

but like after that was rather downhill in a sense. had extra econ 165 class (and then when i was coming back from dinner i realized that's my last class for today and it's my first class tmr! -grumps-). and then i went to the lair to get namesurfer done.. but it so was not getting done >.< so i got rather mad/frustrated.

went back to my room at like a quarter to 1am, quite annoyed. thankfully kiat came over at like a quarter to 3 to help me out yayyy. but before that i was so so so frustrated i was making alot of noise and annoying the hell out of poor jackie.. haha. and then i was in the hallway and i stomped around in anger for a while and david said i looked like an angry duck. which actually is rather hilarious

and i was also kind of tired so i was complaining, "anything that requires a lot of work pisses me off!" and jackie looked at me with such a horrified expression i was like wellll you know i don't really mean it. but maybe i do, so lazy.

ah watever. anyhow i managed to finish the silly program before it was due! for once! (maybe twice) and that was such a great feeling:p also with the help of one of the section leaders who lives down the hall. then dinner w dayoung and chi alpha..

i am so so so excited for snowboarding on sat! psyched up! haha. i guess also cos i don't have to plan it, makes life a lot less stressful. but i haven't been since mid-jan! i hope the snow's good and we have loads of fun:) (and none of us end up injured 0_0) and yay i have a fellow snowboarder.. didn't know sicheng boards too wheee.

okay i'm so psyched up i must post the pic of my pretty board again. haha. ahhh! okay must do work first. so i can replicate the miracle of my A-IHUM-paper due the day after snowboarding.. in the form of full marks for 102B pset maybe? anywayyyy snowboard! man i don't even know why i'm so crazy about it. maybe cos my quarter hasn't been that wonderful and boarding is something that definitely makes me happy. alright i don't even think i'm coherent anymore:

i must take more pics of my snowboard hm. but this is when it was brand new! lala. and not scratched.

yay i had a rather happy day in all:) slightly unexpected, but good!

so the first part of the day was spent struggling with my (tired) body. got up at 6am to write econ paper cos last night i was just too sick of it to get anything much done. and then i had lots of trouble getting my eyes to stay open. so i think i went back to sleep from 7:30 to 8ish.. struggle is definitely the word.

anyhow i finished it, on time, surprisingly. i guess in the end i'm like i've tried my best, that's it. and i actually got to class on time, which was nice cos i haven't been very good at doing that when stuff is due. when the quarter is finally winding down, then i begin to get my act together. how ironic is that..

i was rather in a rush to get out of class cos i wanted to go to the post office to get my jason hahn book (which i then spent like 1.5hrs after lunch devouring instead of doing my work. but it was so riveting). i almost feel a little embarrassed cos i keep getting packages/package slips from the housing office and the guy recognizes me already. haha.

lemme see.. and it was such a beautiful god-given day:) awesome weather! so i'm like yes, i must finally get my lazy ass down to the gym. esp if i'm going snowboarding this sat (which was sort of decided for me cos happily my prof moved the pset due date to wed instead of mon).. and also bcos i haven't exercised since that fateful mid-jan day when i slipped on the ice.

yeah so i fell asleep during CS again.. probably wasn't such a great idea, given that he was going thru the next assignment :| oh well. i'm sure we'll figure it out. then went to the gym, felt happy i was actually doing something about all the eating i've been doing. i really should stop taking comfort in food. not a healthy thing to do.

but anyhow, i also resolved to go to the lair to get help with namesurfer (due wed). it's this program which reads in a database of names and how popular they were from 1900 to 2000 and then plots a graph. pretty cool:) so i went after dinner and ron was there to help! haha he is such a unique character.. his metaphorical explanations were very helpful though, that was nice.

and then i decided since i'm at tresidder i might as well go to frosoco/lag and visit pple, since i never ever go over & i definitely hadn't seen kiat in forever. so i went and saw kiat, misha, tu, stacey, daniel, philbert. it was nice hanging out and chilling:) although it is also quite an unearthly hour now (i'm one to talk, given the ridiculous hours i stay up to code CS!) but it's sort of amazing cos at 7pm i was feeling quite sleepy and yet i managed to survive quite happily until now. coding CS was tiring but hanging out was fun so i'm glad~

but now i must sleep. hope tmr's social dance is fun! yay

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