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pooh. i had such an unproductive weekend. oh! i got my macbook!!!! :):):) but i'm so sad, it's a little scratched already... sigh. i shall wrap it in a shirt! haha. and i'm so afraid it'll get dirty.. which i already know is going to happen. boo. oh well, nice to have a laptop though, so useful... and it kept me awake in class on mon :p

and jackie's belated bday presents to me are hilarious! a stuffed llama and a peacock feather quill.. both of which relate to my art class last spring. i drew 6 llama heads (plus some of the neck) in different mediums. okay, i don't even remember what they're called - ink, pencil, charcoal, ... and i really liked using a quill! i don't even know if it's really a quill.. whatever, the type of pen with a nib which you dip into the ink! anyway, i came up with this briliant idea of having a huge peacock feather quill which i could use in exams and distract everyone else so i'll get my A :p and can tickle people with the quill. haha.

just back from XA. don't know why i'm feeling a little out of sorts! so weird. just happens from time to time and i've no idea why... i really don't like reading about the history of the Fed's monetary policy. somehow, i really don't like macro. even though that i know it's important and everything... it just doesn't click or something.

and i guess i'm somewhat worried about my class grades.. econ and psch. well, developmental is fine cos i know i can handle the quizzes if i study early enough. the other 3... ugh. i don't even know.

lindsey is right though. deficient substitutes for real life relationships. i did, after all, spend like 15+hrs watching that whole drama last weekend or something. oops. at least i did some nice things for people today i guess. haha. this is so silly.

anyway, me and jackie with quill and llama.

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