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it's time to leave again. no matter how many times i come back and leave it's always the same. would rather stay, don't want to go. but i guess when i get past customs and stuff i'll be looking forward. but before that! ack. so much for my telling tuan that i was trying to get used to saying goodbye cos it's so inevitable and it always happens. bleah. should try to think less. but it always happens, looking at luggage and trying to think of what else i need to bring back. i think i did pick well, when someone asked me during spotlight on: "if you could destroy one of your possessions, what would it be?" it was really quite hard.. i mean, if you HAVE stuff it's likely that you actually LIKE the stuff that's why you have it right. although i suppose that's not always the case. anyway after prolonged thought, i said luggage, cos i hate packing. so much for liking to travel! like young people should. -_- i wish i wouldn't get so attached to things sometimes.

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