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school starts again

it is a very odd experience to go straight from work to back to school... well okay, i did have that dschool thing in between, but that was almost like easing me into the beginning of the new school year. and somehow this year i'm seeing so many differences between working and school, probably because it's not like i'm changing countries (past few years = work in singapore, then chill out for a bit, then fly back to america) and living in the same area.

i finally understand why daryl was talking about how he'd miss having discretionary free time - work is like a huge chunk of your life carved out. classes, on the other hand, don't take that much time and then you have the rest of the day to do whatever (homework, fun, ...)

and the whole experience of sitting in class again (and more often than not, being bored, haha) and getting distracted... okay i've definitely forgotten what i originally intended to say. hm.

oh, i remember. it's kind of weird being able to stay up until like 1am (or 2) and still get enough sleep and be able to go to class. first, it was hard to switch FROM that to making sure i went to bed by 11pm (or midnight) so i wouldn't be too grumpy in the morning (waking up at 730 anyone?) and now it's strange to switch back.... the body is so adaptable.

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