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man. yay for staying up to do PWR, at least i have company online. haha. just now cs was up, kiat's up too (cos we're pretty much in the same boat, except that i'm not really rewriting my entire paper, which is nice). and also I really thank God for Jackie, she's probably saved my ass countless times (with regard to having to wake up to do work and not waking up cos I'm too tired/have no more willpower). haha. I can't remember if Tomi did that for me last year, if she didn't it's probably cos I had less trouble getting up I think. but I know I had to go over and poke her sometimes cos she'd have to get up to study and such. us poor college kids!

anyway i suddenly crave fishball noodles. the ones that we used to have wayy back in pri school. yellow noodles and fishball/fishcake! yum. sigh. anyway here's a pic, doesn't really look the same but it's the closest i guess.

oh and zhixiu the silly giraffe is here! how fun. i think i should be able to get to see him on wed.. hopefully. tmr (or today, really) is ridiculously busy. after pwr i have to come back and work on my music introsem presentation, then my art midterm proj (i'm drawing llamas! haha)

okok my goal is to finish this at 7 (i.e. in 3.5 hrs time) so i can get another 2 hrs of sleep, we'll see. blaaah.

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