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well well well. i'm still wondering who told dr chan. dunno felt quite weird. anyway. i shall just forget about it. but haha. well. today's chem lect test. supposed to have 2 more white slips. i wonder. wat does he have against our class.

anyways. yes. screwed up test. plus e long ago screwed up class test. plus a substandard chem s tut. not gd. nvm i shall redeem myself in common tests hopefully. better make sure i do anyhow. n nxt weeks tests!

at least tmr's the band concert.. 1812!! haha:) wanna see eunice hitting the bass drum heh:p i wonder if i've d/led the mp3 before hmm.

sitting here eating junk food. haha. rather unhealthy but havent done that for quite some time. and reaching home before its dark! i seem to say the same thing every week but sometimes every day just seem so long ( or maybe cos i always fall asleep in the evenings :p )

tumdeedum. miss lyd n chris suddenly. and i wanna find new songs! or nice new cds to play at night so i won't fall asleep. but actually sometimes i wonder if they really help me or i'm just playing them for the sake of it.

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