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so, story of the week. well, not really since there was florida. but anyway...

we're at target and dayoung says she wants to buy wine. then she thinks "hmmm. i wonder if i can." and then i'm like "i'm 21!" so okay, we stop by the wine thing and she chooses her wine.. sutter or something. and then we go pay, cos the marguerite's coming soon and we don't want to miss it.

at the cashier, the dude says "can i see your ID?" so i take out my driver's license. he peers at it. and peers. and peers for a really long time. so much so that i'm wondering if he can't count (it even says "AGE 21 in 2007) or can't see my birth date or what.

so we're standing there wondering what's going on when finally he gives it back and says "you look really different." apparently, i look a lot younger in person. in which i said "i guess it's the glasses". and he repeats "you don't look anything like the photo". i just shrug (what else to do right) and at this point i think dayoung got slightly annoyed cos she looks at my license and is like "it looks just like her" and brushes it off, and the guy gets defensive and is like "you have to look at it from my point of view. this is the first time i'm seeing her." so dayoung says "yeah, i guess after two years, it looks the same to me" and the guy sounds even more defensive and repeats something along the same lines.

after we get out i'm like okay... so wat'm i supposed to do if you don't believe that's my ID. -_- how ridiculous. and to think i lent jackie my ID that day in case she got carded while ordering some drink. hah. anyway, another good story to add to the collection.

i bet CS would say i shouldn't be surprised, cos he saw quite a few photos on my macbook on the plane and apparently thinks i look pretty different in a lot of them. even if they might have been taken during the same time period

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