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wow. god is really great. i can't remember at the moment who else's testimony i heard.. but it's just stories like that which remind me how in power he is. and the power of prayer. okay that probably didn't come out sounding too right since i'm not particularly coherent but well.

crazy event of the day: so me n jackie were trying to figure out about going to paris for spring break.. and i was like oh i have the calendar i'll check the dates of spring break. so i came over to my table.. and i picked up my calculator instead of my calendar.

it was quite a classic moment, really. but i must say in defence of myself that usually my calendar and calculator are like next to each other/one's on top of the other so i'm slightly justifed..

i decided to post a pic of my pretty snowboard! here it is:)

it unfortunately looks much worse now. but plus cute traction bits that jon pasted for me! whee~

and all the people i met!

the girls: liana (jr), joon (soph), me

the guys: jon (jr), yongji (frosh), andrew (frosh), zhixiu (jr), yf

more of the guys: nick (on exchange), ryan (he's really like the uiuc-version-of-daryl haha), dominic (soph), josh (soph)

random pics of my room

forever friends bedspread!

yay forever friends poster from ser!:)

my slightly messy desk

front part is jackie's half

i should really do my work. and it was so tragic, chris decided to nominate me for akpsi secretary and i'm like. oh. oops. i don't have a laptop! but anyway i don't think i could handle an ecomm position this year. hopefully i'll be something next year though. will see what god has in store for me.

simps playdate thing today was kind of awkward.. i don't know why. i thought it would be somewhat like a regular class, just go in and play games. but somehow the connection was missing (like kenneth said). things weren't very funny.. maybe energy not thre? or just awkward cos it was like.. simps vs 103ers. oh well.. reiterate last sentence of last para. if it's meant to be it will happen, i believe. i tried my best.

dead week and it doesn't feel like it at all. or i'm still slacking around.. i don't understand why i need food so much when i'm here. like during thanksgiving i wasn't very hungry or thinking about food all that much. didn't really snack. or maybe cos snacks were so easily at hand it didn't matter that much. but when i'm back in my dorm room.. it's just. food. food. food. ! so bad:(

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