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it's been.. a week? i think. somewhere around there.

i guess this week wasn't so busy but i was doing random other things. like getting my specs done. FINALLY! that poor salesman. haha. i must have frustrated him so much. cos i took a total of two hours (one on each day, i went down twice cos i couldn't decide) to choose my frames.

and i met more people this week. oh i got to talk to my investment consultant person. and a couple other people.. including one girl whom i originally thought wasn't very friendly cos when she gave me the card she just gave me that sort of impression. or maybe i just caught her at a better time this time.. it's funny how first impressions are sometimes so wrong.

anyway my mind is more preoccupied with non-work stuff. i'm so sick of telling people what i do at work! it's such a horribly boring topic. i guess it really shouldn't be, but it sounds slightly lame somehow. same with MOF prison rehab thing last year. but you know, "website content" and "trusts presentation" just doesn't sound particularly impressive. i suppose in general things aren't as glamorous as they sound.

i drove to pam's house and back today! yay:) despite my mom's rather obvious doubts of my ability to drive the car safely >< couldn't really face a 1hr train ride, not after all the commuting i have to do during weekdays. anyway first she was trying to convince me to take MRT cos i'll have to find parking and etc.. then afterwards she was like oh, you better remember to take down the carplate and insurance number if anything happens. luckily nothing did! haha. praise God:) and my parking was quite good. although granted, there were two lots' worth of space.

and it was rather queer being the odd one out. cos the bunch at her house today was mostly 3G (her class) and RJ councillors/RI prefects. and there was me. well puee and jiahui came later. and poor lyd was sick. hope lyd feels better soon! but while i was sitting there it just struck me that the situation was somewhat similar to val's bday party last sat. actually i also dunno how come she invited me, but the groups of friends were like columbia/air rifle/3J/412. so i just hung around with the 412 girls.. was good to see them after so long but also so interesting to see their dynamic. and to find out that most of them aren't attached! i suppose cos it seems like half my class is attached. dunno la.

3 weeks left to leaving. hm. i think i need to make better friends at stanford. one of my colleagues was saying "your classmates are going to be future presidents (and wat not) so better start networking!" i just smiled. i didn't want to say anything cos i don't really think i'm that close to people there somehow. i guess i need to make an effort to hang out with people more, am so bad at doing that! so easy to get preoccupied and such.

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