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a summer of laughter

so somehow today i just realized this summer has been (for these two weeks, anyway) quite a bit of laughter. i guess especially cos i (finally) got to hang out w ser today, which was nice. :) still as silly as ever.. and i think just a while back, when i was reading my rg diaries, i was lamenting how it seems like i don't seem to laugh as much now. anyway i realized that today, which in turn made me realize how blessed I am this summer and how God has supplied my needs, in a way. I definitely wasn't thinking about laughter or praying consciously that I'd have a lot of fun etc but it just happened! And it isn't just a cursory thing either, the first thing I was struck by when I experienced working at Bluepulse for the first time was that people were joking etc and it was fun.

anyway, i probably have said enough, too much sometimes overdoes it. but it's all very exciting to realize it. that even if I don't ask for it, God still gives me good. :) awesomeness! haha.

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