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yay for watching pirates yesterday! although i realized it is a VERY bad idea to have 3 groups of friends there cos obviously i won't get to talk to all of them. anyhow. i didn't even know it was 2h45! that was quite crazy.. stuffed so much into it. but yay for jack sparrow:) and the maelstrom scene was cool:p

my cultural psych class has destroyed the way i look at things now. everytime i see ads/listen to songs/something and it reflects the concept of individualism/believing in yourself/american dream-ish stuff, my mind automatically tells me that's the european-american cultural model playing out right there and i'm like ugh! no! i don't WANT to think about it! eek. right now it's christina aguilera's "voice within" and it says "when there's no one else, look inside yourself". anyway. yes, i feel like it has destroyed my worldview. ignorance is bliss sometimes, really.

anyway my housing for next year is going to be rather interesting. so since we got a pretty good number, we wanted to stay in a row house (better location, food, community feel, but coed bathrooms and less singles/2-room doubles unless you pick the correct places). to summarize: we ended up in this row house which has a GREAT location and great food and everything.. but has 1 room doubles only. sigh! haha. and we thought we weren't going to get in cos this is a bio-themed dorm, meaning a lot of pple can apply to be priority residents (and participaate in the bio-themed events) and most of the priority pple were girls.

I really think I forgot just how heavy a 20-unit courseload is. seriously. after last quarter. I mean I was recruiting and CS106A (java programming) was driving me nuts, but I think I had much less class time and quite a bit of time to slack around and read books. now it's a struggle to finish my work on time and juggle SEALNet stuff and be able to sleep enough and celebrate pple's bdays (i only mention the last cos the past two nights i've been over at wilbur to watch pple get thrown in the shower. haha.)

and I don't even know how come SEALNet takes up so much time. how do other people handle so many clubs n stuff? man. oh well. it's not other people we're talking about anyway, it's you. and i guess everything in SEALNet is a challenge. coming up with curriculums, getting people involved, evaluation matrices, ..... ahhh. anyhow I am so looking forward to this weekend.. long weekend and ser'll be here! haha i want her to meet so many people it's crazy. probably not going to happen but i guess we'll see..

stupid 9am classes. seriously, i think i'm going to pick classes such that i NEVER EVER AGAIN have to get up so frickin early to go to class.. hope that's possible. so much for being naive and idealistic and thinking yay! spring = nice weather so it won't be so hard to get up! somehow 9am class just gives very little leeway for doing last min work. haha. as bad as it sounds. though technically it shouldn't.. oh i don't know. weird. ok back to silly pwr. i really need a better attitude towards my classes, but 3 weeks ago i was already a little bored with them!

i really should go to bed cos i have to get up to go to church tomorrow. but i feel oddly pensive. maybe cos it's been a slightly crazy weekend so far and ...

i did NO work today. seriously, like, NO work AT ALL. ah well. got up at 930 cos i had to return the DVD for psych class (we had to watch this movie about native americans and it was on reserve at the library but they let me check it out overnight cos i checked it out 1.5hrs before closing and usually the limit is 3 hrs). and then i met grace & co and hannah & bf and gave them a tour (w wangning).

lunch at cheesecake - sooo full! i must really learn to eat less. and the apple crisp was too nutty for my liking, i thought it was going to be more ilke the crumbly stuff. ah well. and the two guys.. manjun (sp??) and timothy.. eat so much! pretty unbelievable.. they just kept on clearing plates. like stuff i/other pple couldn't finish, they'd just polish it off without much problem.

after lunch i decided i was too full and went to bed. and then i got up in time to prepare for jerry's special dinner which dayoung invited me to and had good food again.

preparing was fun though, jackie had this fantastic idea of getting me to bring a cardboard dog along (we were supposed to dress for the theme and the theme was fairytale so i was dorothy fr wizard of oz). but we didn't have cardboard so we printed out a pic of toto (the dog) from wikipedia and tied it onto jackie's stuffed moose/reindeer toy. it was hilarious:p had a lot of fun.. oh and i borrowed jackie's red shoes. sigh. wat will i do without jackie next year! -makes note to sleepover very often-

anyway after dinner (and i had this ice cream-cookie crumb dessert thing, fat fat fat) dayoung suggested going to the testimony show and i was like ok! (Testimony = christian a cappella grp). they were okay but talisman is so much better still.. i'm so biased. ah well.

and then we went straight to watch shrek. which was okay, i think the parodies weren't as funny. or maybe cos i heard beforehand that it wasn't that good so my perception was tainted (similarly for spiderman, but i never really cared for spiderman so that's probably not too valid). i hope pirates 3 is MUCH better. baaa.

ok now i think i shall sleep.

get up, bum around, walk around, eat, sleep, eat, watch acappella show, watch movie. such a bad example, please never do this.

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