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haha i just got back frm mugging w jan chris tiff alvin mz. missed everyone lots esp cos of italy.. then when i was walking to macs i saw ronnie [aka chris' ex and jh's current] outside and cudn't stop laughing cos i remembered all the descriptions they gave to enlighten kp.. "in desperate need of a tan" and such.

surprisingly quite serious actually until after lunch we took a break and were crapping for a while.. and then tiff was whining abt not wanting to study so i told her to look at e giraffe on her animal-printed tissue paper [which chris kindly gave to us] and be happy.. then she realised there was no unicorn on hers [but there were 3 on mine so i offered to donate one to her] and started whining somemore haha. i like the tissue paper:) okay i sound quite demented here. oh yes n i had a surround-sound system cos on my right jan was singing and on my left mz was doing percut/singing.

oh yes i became jan's permanent pillow once again. quote her i'm "comfy". if i get another shoulder ache tmr i noe who to blame:p

and on the bus i fell asleep [reminds me of all the long bus journeys] and then almost missed my stop luckily e person nxt to me was getting off too haha:D if not i'd have to walk a looong way.

haha i was watching the bonus features for cirque yesterday and this is like the quote of the day frm one of the acrobats.. "its the best job in the world.. u get paid to kick ur bro's ass!" cos he n his bro are a pair doing this acrobatic stunt thingy.. he lies with his feet upwards on this special chair and the bro sits on his feet and does somersaults. okay its kinda hard to describe.

its the last week. i hope i finally get that firmly imprinted in my brain cos all my stuff is really half-baked. want to buy cds frm HMV! sigh.

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