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yay!! my midterms (well, first round anyway) are over. finally i get like two weeks before its midterm week again. not that two weeks is a lot but one becomes thankful for small mercies.
i walked out of psych introsem midterm into the quad and drank in the sunshine n cool air. that sounds cliched but really, such a blessed relief. now i know why time management is so impt. and "if you don't have it now, u'll have it by the end of (first quarter/freshman year - i forgot which)"

well anyway. now there's less work there's time to think about other stuff like ccas/socialising. both which are in a very sad state. and skype is driving me nuts with the lag.. my mom keeps repeating herself. and repetition really annoys me.

i still want to go to the zoo/disneyland. i think disneyland is more fun.

ooh i'm very happy:) went w sean to cupertino village and found khong guan biscuits! haha. okay. nvm. i already have too many snack as it is.. but anyway we had an interesting chat. as it was on friday night with jackie. speaking of which it's thanks to going shopping w jackie that i realised my SUID was missing, and thankfully daryl was nice enough to go over to stern and help me get it back:D

and i'm also very glad that i get to get off campus at least once a week. thanks to sean haha. and he was saying we're very lucky cos when he was a freshman it was either "lag or stern today ah?" haha. but yeah, i think because our campus is so huge, it's kinda hard to get out and everything. and like they were saying yesterday on the way to lunch, california public transport system is quite pathetic. this is when one appreciates spore. (and its size, in a way)

okay even though i was like "sharks" when my alarm went off at 0730. didn't wanna get up. but i guess the fatigue wears off after a while. although i think in spore i'd never wake up at 0730 to go to church. i shall try and sleep earlier on saturday nights

i don't think i had a very productive day but i'm so so SO glad jane came over. it's been so long since i've seen one of my girl friends. i mean okay here i have jackie and other pple but it's just different. this is why i know i can't stay here this winter and let my family come over. i need to go home. and of cos i have to bring stuff over which i thought i didn't need but now i know i want. like my multiple coloured pens haha. now that sounds superficial (i forgot the other better word for it) but well.

i thought it would be better coming here without people i knew. i thought it would force me to make friends. it doesn't turn out to be that simple after all. at least i'm not the only one feeling that way. but now i miss jane!:( boohoo. that means i ought to make a trip down to berkeley soon heh. oh well.

you can choose to make yourself miserable. or you can choose to be happy. but again that isn't that easy either.. maybe i'm just saying that cos i'm already here, and like jane said, a lot of people romanticise the whole overseas study thing. oh well. maybe i'll figure out wat to say tmr or another time.

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