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yay! i'm in a happy mood today:) let me now think about why i'm happy.. :):):)

1. I got 8 hours of sleep! yippeee~~~
2. I can go to apple HQ next fri! cos we worked out the replacement class! yay!
3. I got my SSN!
4. I hung out with Karen and it was fun!
5. I ate a banana-nutella crepe for "lunch"!
6. I hung out with Jenny too!
7. Visited Daryl! (I'm never visiting him again though, I had to knock 5000000 times before he opened the door and i KNEW he was in there cos there was guitar music)
8. Sold some cards!
9. my econ midterm is over and i think (hope and pray anyway) that i did okay!
10. it's holiday on monday!
11. I got into Lantana, and my dormmates from this year are going there too! (they're such a crazy bunch and half of them are off oversaes this quarter so i'm glad i'll get to see them next year!)
12. i forgot what else. but i'm happy today! yay!!!:):):)

yeah.. the funny thing about Lantana is that when I came here, I was pretty much set on going to Manz next year, then I kinda changed my mind cos I heard it was quiet and anti-social and wat not.. but I think God has given me good things, as always:) it's a nice place, dormmates and chuan sheng are going there, yf'll be in kimball, jon phua in castano, dunno who else.. but it's gonna rock! and i won't be tempted to go to late night and get fat. and it's near all the exercise places so hopefully I'll be more prone to exercising! ahaha. oh but if i go for dance classes it'll be kinda far.. oh well. i know it's gonna be great:)

ohh! and there were fireworks just now! everyone said it's cos the baseball pple did well.. san jose or sth?? have no idea. but it was SO pretty:) so i'm happy!!

well, so that went better than i expected. i guess i wasn't really caring either way (whether i get cut or not) so i was less stressed than most of the rest. so i think. or maybe they just gave me a relatively easier time cos i wasn't head of anything and stuff like that. anyhow. it's so funny, in a way. go in there, apologize for everything, acknowledge mistakes, make fantastic promises. i mean they weren't exactly that fantastic but the way I was making them, it certainly sounded like. heh. everything, yeah, i'll do that. yeah, i'll do that too. in 2 weeks? yeah. okay, if you don't do that by high courts, you'll have to answer for it. okay. fine.

anyway.. i'm on probation. which i suppose, is the least which could have happened. oh well. they keep telling me my hpac (who's the master of rituals and therefore in charge of our pledge class) really likes me/has a high opinion of me. i really don't know why, cos i hardly talked to him to begin with, and the only thing i vaguely remember is him seeing my colourful econ notes and saying he should take classes w me so i can give him my notes. oh and of cos, he thinks all singaporeans are crazily smart (of which i'm not an example, sadly). anyhow, i don't know if i'm hearing correct things or not but it's all rather puzzling. i guess it's nice that other people believe in me given that half the time i don't think about what i can or can't do. alright that doesn't make too much sense. sometimes i wonder if he told me to rush because he was the MOR. blah. sadistic.

on second thoughts, that was so ironic cos we just learnt about social cognition in psych lecture today. attributions, people try to determine why other people (or themselves) do certain things. and psych lecture is a pretty reflective time, i think. somehow. i suppose cos everything that's learnt has been experienced by oneself at one time or other.

yesterday was spring fun un sun! cs decided that we shouldn't call it "un sun" cos un-sun = rain. and yes, rain it did. and our backup plan was like the night before sort of thing.. just switch venue. and had no agenda at all.. i was quite at a loss at to what to do.. thankfully daryl suggested taboo, which was really fun:) and kiat told me we ought to do an intro when enough people come, which was an awfully good idea.. thanks guys! ah. just remembered to send out my thank you email. and i'm so glad the grad students came, must thank all the pple i know whom i believe rallied them to come and all:) sean n xianyi n zhihui n guoming for forwarding the emails.

alright. lazy to write somemore. and i need to do my work. i think i prefer being a student and doing hw than doing all these business things.

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