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humm. so here i am, wondering how i'm going to finish doing my work by tuesday.. i guess i'll just work like crazy tomorrow.. hope tonight's pledge event doesn't take too long. i envision myself freezing already actually. haha. anyway, pple probably thinks i'm nuts but i rushed for akpsi (business co-ed frat) and the first pledge event is tonight. i wonder if i just constructed a very idealistic image of it (as i am wont to do). as i realised after dayoung was like are you sure? it's gonna take a lot of time! so now, i'm conflicted (as usual). seems to be the human condition. of course i might be just sounding grandiose for the sake of it.

anyway, interesting story of the day: on the way back from church (which started late for once! haha. cos we had a combined easter service.) i was talking to sean about things like miracles/speaking in tongues/... and then suddenly the car started making weird noises and the check engine light came on. pulled over, sean got out to check. dunno wat's wrong, called AAA. then called wenzheng to bring me back to campus first. sat around while the rain came down.

wenzheng had a flying class at 1! and flying a cessna 172. apparently cessna is a famous brand of aircraft like boeing and stuff, so my mom says. anyway i decided to tag along (and do my work tmr, hopefully that works;p) and it was sooo cool. somewhat like a rollercoaster, although apparently that was because of the not-so-good weather today. so while we were going thru those bumps i was wondering how he could think of having lunch before flying, but since that doesn't happen very often.. i guess i was just "lucky". haha. anyway yeah.. could see stanford from the plane! hoover tower is the most distinctive structure since it's the tallest. haha. and the bay looks rather dirty from that height but wenzheng claims that if you go higher it looks bluer -- this coming from a B.S. in physics, find it hard to believe:p

his instructor was cool too.. french guy. i think i may be improving at identifying french-english accents! hahaha. anyhow. it was so funny though, at the end of the class i was thanking him for having me along and he was like no problem! as long as wz's okay with it.. cos u noe, some pple have big egos, they don't like other pple to see their learning progress.. and then started listing: oh, u must get enough sleep, food, be emotionally at peace (sth to that effect anyway) and etc in order to fly the plane properly.. i was laughing cos i thought he didn't get enough sleep (he says he did, 4 to 12 - i guess that's pretty good) and he definitely didn't have lunch.

anyway yay, i'll get to go for another flight when the weather's good! whee~

ah. and tonight's pledge event. now i understand why baoyi said the things she did. definitely interesting though, it's, as chuansheng said, like army. regimented. to cultivate discipline for the (in this case) business world. i have to call my hpac "mr mabaye". can you imagine.. i'm just glad i don't live on the same floor as him like my poor dormmate who's pledging too

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