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ruixiong "do you think you'll be okay?" (walking back to my dorm from his, which is like 50m away)
me "no, i'll get mugged on the way"
ruixiong "that's okay"
me: !!!
i was being sarcastic, but still. haha.

oh, one from sean last sunday i think.
zhongjie (hopefully that's the way his name is spelt, hmm) was talking about going to the gym and sean was saying he had to do reps as a swimmer. and i can't remember if it was zj/jon who said "oh you were a swimmer?" and sean said "yeah but now i'm a blobber"
it kind of reminded me of lydia though. the word "blob". maybe cos it used to be her msn nick.

daryl, yesterday, on his phone which wouldn't receive/make phone calls. "my phone is incognito" (he meant to say incommunicado)
i couldn't stop laughing even in math after that.. cos the image of a emperor riding in a sedan (or on a horse) to the countryside appeared in my mind. and i was wondering what daryl's phone was pretending to be.

and i thought this nonsense with the alarm clock was over. if i didn't have to wake up early to go for melody i'd be severely annoyed. 7am, 7.40am, 8.20am (and this one went on for like 15mins cos she refused to get up) and then 8.40am.. i think i'm going to be deaf by next fall. unless by some happy chance my classes start earlier than hers.

ah. i see. she has just informed me that she intended to wake up at 7 (!!) to do work but she couldn't get up. cos she wants to do work so she can go out and do other stuff. hmm. anyway, its kind of weird she doesn't seem to feel bad. maybe i expect too much.

i think i'm very capable of just holing myself up in my room given there's so much work to do. bah. actually i know i thought i had a LOT of stuff to do yesterday night but now when I list it out I feel like I'm forgetting something.

oh. and dining hall food is quite sucky half the time. should go to wilbur more often haha. at least they have chinese food. and at least i get to eat something nice every sunday:D

chim's coming over today! haha. but that horrible girl didn't tell me, i had to hear it frm wang ning.

ooh okay i saw chim already:) anyway she mite be coming over with jane nxt week! how fun! haha. wish the rest could be here too though. bleah. if i had my way i'll probably wish for half my sec 4 class to be around.

and i was telling jon just now.. it's so sad.. when teaching lil kids piano you feel SO happy when they manage to get through a page of sheet music. at least i didn't have to figure out how to teach her about time signatures haha. i really wonder how my teacher managed to teach me last time.

ah i forgot to add something else. just now during math section i was telling chuansheng that during ihum, when we were analysing joyce's dubliners, one guy was like saying that american kids feel stifled by the education system - follow the prepared path through grade school then college then get a job.. and that is exactly wat everyone says in spore. looks like it really applies universally.. the notion of "once you get out of your country (or state or hometown) everything'll be fine".

definitely there's a difference in perspective and all, but after a while it does become the same situation. it's the mindset you have to escape from. like my feeling of wanting to go for a holiday.. it's the same as it was in rj. so what has changed, really?

this is partly why ihum is depressing sometimes. it points out things one is normally in denial about. like the stuff we read from tolstoy was about how people're obsessed with material stuff and only realise they ought to have lived otherwise when they were at the brink of death. okay baldwin wasn't so depressing, possibly cos i still don't really understand/like it. and joyce's dubliners is about paralysis/epiphanies and actually tolstoy n joyce write a little about social convention too.

okay i'm going to think about nxt quarter courses and sleep cos i can feel myself zoning out already

moderately eventful week. actually. no. the only event was getting sick. on monday night i decided i desperately needed sleep and therefore purposed to sleep before 10. unfortunately, after happily thinking i had no more work to do/..., i suddenly realised i hadn't written my introsem essay yet. freak. so i wrote 2 pages worth and then it was 11pm so i decided it was time to sleep.

woke up at 4.30 with the feeling of inevitability. throat/nose/watever felt weird. 37.6degrees! yay.. go back to sleep. wake up, still around there. toyed with idea of skipping introsem later (while editing/finishing my essay). went down to breakfast, ate fruits and padded along to econ lect. in no condition for running so better leave earlier. econ lect was okay, not particularly illuminating that i remember of. back to nice warm dorm.

during lunch had to go look for all the nonheaty stuff (not that there's alot to begin with). oh before that i finally decided i was going to skip introsem and dance and come back and sleep. i decided i couldn't survive 1h15 of pointless discussion and 1h30 of moderate exercise. thankfully no midterms this week.
came back after math, which was also only slightly useful. and slept. roommate was like "are you taking a nap?" and i'm like "i'm sick! i have the right to sleep!" and she's like "watever roomie.." cos she's forever taking naps (and most of the time she's not sick)

anyway thankfully by wed i was quite alright and today even better yay~ my toes were cold on mon/tues night though. random comment. haha. and i had this really weird dream on monday that i was back in spore and i forgot to pack anything (i.e. no luggage or sth) so all my stuff was still here. and feeling an acute sense of annoyance/despondency cos i'd left all my stuff behind and i wasn't about to get on a plane back here to get all my stuff. crazy stuff that dreams are made of.

have to choose classes for next quarter soon and i am torn between so many things! rather equates to being totally clueless. am seeing my advisor tmr, but i'm not sure he'll be of much help. all he's going to say is to advise me not to take 20 units again. actually when i went to see him i said i was gonna take 18 and he was already advising me against that. ahh.

not in a very good mood tonight.. don't feel like doing my work especially cos i know i have so much stuff to do. bah. tmr there's the performance, then sat morning there's melody (i almost regret doing this) sat night dinner out, sunday church, ihum thesis and introsem outline due monday, ...... how depressing. and i desperately need to practice math. ahh!!! i want to skip next week and go straight to thanksgiving. "like monopoly", chuan sheng says. haha.

man. i'm so glad that midterm is over. i'm not so sure how i did though, sigh. hopefully it'll be good to make up for all the nonsense i've been handing in for econ. it was a rather terrible realisation that there're only a few more problem sets to boost my grade. and i was so zoned out after it i didn't even recognise xianyi when he biked past haha oops. until he called me and i looked properly and was like oh.. haha.

actually my head is still a bit woozy right now. i better sleep early tonight, who cares if i finish reading introsem. haha. and thankfully i managed to get the dance tickets.. and i talked to my ihum tf about my paper.. it was very reassuring:) maybe i'm not so bad at ihum after all, given that that first paper was written in virtually two days or less. (although chuan sheng keeps saying that doesn't matter, hmph) but anyway i'm feeling proud of myself for now yay

oh i tried jamba juice for the first time today. it's.. interesting. and it was so funny.. i suddenly heard "clarissa lin!", whirled around, saw sean and wondered what he was doing there. "yeah.. monday morning right" (cos he watches webcast instead sometimes) anyway he started telling me all the good flavours.. haha he really is synonymous with good food. oh we went to coldstone creamery yesterday! it was fantastic.. it reminded me of the dairy queen thing last time at mobil petrol station where you can choose what you want to mix into the ice cream.. ahh. different, but still good! and i was late for econ review session but who cares. haha. food is more impt! oops.

i'm hungry! :( but i don't think i should be eating dry/heaty stuff. oh dear. guess i'll just starve.
ah i just remembered i had to do laundry.

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