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so.. i'm done with my internship. it's so weird though, i felt a curious sense of loss (or of finality/of ending/sth?) as i walked out of the treasury towards funan [and conveniently forgot to go in and see if the person could replicate my key]. i guess it's been such a routine that i've just gotten used to going to work and all.. and it was weird to think that i'm done, i won't be coming back. and also cos i didn't really do proper goodbyes, being last minute clar, i was doing work right up till the last minute. but i think it's partly cos of the tea session with the deputy secretary (DS).

on a rather tangential note, the word 'deputy' just confuses me thoroughly. i kept wondering if the "deputy head" or the "head" was more important. i guess i just assumed the title with more words should be the more important one, which is wrong. oh well.

so yes, tea session. that must've been the most awkward tea session i've ever been to. not that i've been to many, but there were like 11 of us (including the DS, the HR manager and the corporate dvpt head) sitting around this table with dishes of chicken pie (with a fork! how in the world do you eat polar puff chicken pies with a fork??) and tea. oh wait, i forgot the most important part. sitting in SILENCE because it was so awkward. a relatively formal setting for something which didn't sound in the least formal. and then he started quizzing us, actually i think tianai and probably zhijia got the hardest qns. but maybe tts cos they've been here for 7-8 weeks.

anyhow. ohh sean's and shihua's bday party tonight.. haha i'm really so extra, dunno wat i was doing there when they were all grad students.. but they were nice la, talked to us (as in me n daryl) and everything. and it was good to see sean n wenzheng after soo long. can't believe i'm only seeing them one month after i've been back (and have one month left).

ah and meeting fiona n candice on thurs for lunch was fun too:) although i think maybe it was a bit weird at first.. but then i was so amused, cos they couldn't figure out where funan was and ended up at chijmes! at least lyd knows where funan is:p we had fun talking nonsense although at the last bit i needed to get back to office to do my work. fiona asked me a very interesting question: do americans look at us in the same way that we look at PRCs?

finally i get to sleep at any time i want and wake up anytime i want.. yeahhh the luxury:) but i need to figure out sunday! ahh. things never end.

i have rediscovered my ability to not-put-a-book-down. sort of, anyway. after i finally redeemed my times voucher from last year's college day haha. blink by malcolm gladwell is interesting. the only problem being that it resembles my psych introsem teacher's book quite a bit - i.e. a mix of self-help and psych research written in prose. which, depending on which way you look at it, may turn out to be quite cheesy because each example is, at its core, is an illustration of the same principle in a different situation. and the author's just drumming into you how important his/her point is. or, you can see it as being really true and taking something from it. i guess the former would be the more cynical viewpoint.

it's still kind of interesting though.. and reminded me of one of my goals. which is to take the improvising class at some point. and the book said something interesting about improvising, that each actor accepts anything (and everything) that his/her fellow actors throw out.. no matter how ridiculous it is. so one of the examples was that a doctor wants to amputate a patient's leg. and the patient can either say no (in which the act can't continue, cos options are limited) or the patient can say yes (in which the example went on with the patient saying "but that's the leg u amputated already!"). okay i'm not even sure if it makes sense out of context but it was quite funny..

and i met joanna today. she's so bubbly! reminds me of christine and vivian actually.. they're ridiculously lively. and somehow i managed to catch onto their enthusiasm and be more so while we were at our social events (while pledging). it really does matter, the pple i hang out with. so i need to find more cheerful pple and christians to hang out with.

sometimes i just feel so tired i don't want to talk to people. cos listening and nodding while listening to them gives me such a headache. i wonder if that's just a really rare thing which i notice cos its such a strong feeling at that time, or that it happens really quite often and i don't remember.

alright i must go figure out wat bday presents to buy..

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