i wonder why it is that i can't seem to summon up energy to be enthusiastic about stuff i'm involved in. yesterday's SEALNet meeting, i was just like dude we've been thinking about this (what to do in Vietnam) since last Dec, and there doesn't seem to be something that sounds sufficiently exciting. and then i was just reading the akpsi emails about this publicity thing we're doing.. i actually didn't forward stuff, oops. even though i think it's a really good idea. i guess i'm just lazy. sigh.
and so it reminded me of when the interviewer asked me what i'm passionate about. i really don't think i'm passionate about anything (unless you count snowboarding, haha). and various other things like cirque du soleil and dance and wat not. oh i guess food does figure, but jackie definitely beats me hands down there:)
i decided salsa is lots of fun though, lots of energy! yay. but yeah i think i really am lazy:( which sometimes really makes me wonder wat i'm doing here. everyone here is the 'let's go out and change the world!' sort and i'm just like.. yeah, watever. too chill. heh. i suppose it also depends on my mood, i could be upbeat about stuff if i put myself in the correct mindset i guess. although it was interesting coming from jackie 'it's a privilege to be here'. yup it definitely is although it's so easy to forget that.
Labels: pensive
i am SO tired. actually i think i probably brought this upon myself because i got hooked on full house, but i prefer to wallow in self pity. haha. anyway so the 102b (econometrics) pset was SO frickin' long, i think i used 7 sheets of paper and i'm not really done yet. i HATE that class.. like seriously >.< it is so torturous to sit through 1h50 of that lecture and talk about regressions and all manner of weird formulae including matrices and linear algebra and.... i really would drop econ because of this one class. the only problem being i wouldn't know what else to do. (it's a core class for econ, sadly unescapable).
and i'm also not very prepped for cs.. i guess that shouldn't be as bad since it's openbook but my logic is really not there sometimes. okay i guess i should be able to manage but i'm so tired right now i'm typing with my eyes closed cos they refuse to stay open! ok definitely my finishing 16 episodes (1hr each i think) in 3 days had a part to play. :| and of course being in boston over the weekend.
this is like never going to end.. tonight i'll have to mug for int'l econ, which hopefully shouldn't be so bad cos that class is actually interesting and i know the front half of the material. but i know i'm gonna be tired which is a problem too.
and after that i'll have to code like crazy cos hangman is due on friday. >.< so tired. but i did have fun hanging out w ser in boston and meeting trang... yay for that at least:) and being done w interviews although they turned out rather unfruitful save for the experience -shrug-
Labels: tired