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alright, that definitely took me longer than i expected, esp when i should've been writing my philosophy paper. okok i will do it now. the writing tutor was so taken aback yesterday upon discovering i hadn't started yet and it's due monady. oh well. :| i really hate the way i do things sometimes. actually, many times. bleah.

yesterday's natalie macmaster concert was lots of fun! although i don't really know my dormmates so that was a little tough. but anyway she and her band are SO energetic! it's crazy.. they're really good too.

our RFs are really nice, they paid for all our tickets.. aww. i think that's a much better job than last year, i don't think patrick ever did anything for us except friday night movies. and the only time i got emails from him was when like there was some trouble in flomo. but i guess he was the RF for the entire westflo whereas brent and barbara are RFs for just lantana (i think). maybe castano too? hm. anyhow and their dog stogey is sooo cute!! it so reminds me of boxer (my illegal unlicensed labrador-cocker spaniel fr 1992-1997 or something like that, i forget the dates). anyway i also guess it's easier to do stuff when you've a family to support you? or something.

philo paper philo paper! aahh. i guess if i don't finish i won't go for sealnet beach retreat tomorrow. and it'll allow me to do my tutoring too.

i am really going to change my template, but jackie as usual has her very encouraging comments about my stuff.. i'm like watever, i'm gonna do wat i like. but anyway, besides that, i need to get past this crazy week first. actually it isn't all that bad, it's just that having econ pset due on tues afternoon is a HORRIBLE time. well okay, i didn't start on the pset that early but there aren't office hours on fri and he only sent out the qns on thursday.

and today was a mad rush. from lunch to improv class (yay!) to philo class to swc (which kinda forces me to start on my philo paper, thankfully) to leadership workshop to tutor observations. and then i somehow ended up going for bible study (very very late though) even i wasn't really planning on going cos i was so late and i have so much work to do. okay i guess i don't really, but some things are just overwhelming when they're not done and they all come crashing down like a LOAD.

but i'm glad to say while i was at lunch (meeting pledges, wat a weird feeling!) and in improv i could forget all that and enjoy the moment(s). the only highlights of my day, really. oh and seeing nathan at casa was nice.

unfortunately, now i think i've worked myself into a lather (i.e. nervous wreck) trying to finish this stupid econ pset (i had to drop the first one cos i didn't finish in time) and it doesn't help that the TAs are refusing to answer questions specifically about the questions. and also that ahhh! forget it. i shall stop this.

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