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friends. after hk said something about how people stop making friends after a while. and how there needs to be a higher threshold before new friends become more than acquaintances... anyway that gave me something to think about on bus rides, and to ask people.

i guess that's a question that has always plagued me, especially since you know, i'm overseas and supposed to be making american friends and not singaporean (or so the logic goes, if i was going to make friends w singaporeans anyway i might as well stay home). i suppose that's not exactly logical, and it's not wrong if i still like hanging out w singaporeans. but i still need to convince myself sometimes. still bothers me sometimes but anyway that wasn't the point of this post.

i've always been surprised by how God has brought me friends in the places i least expect. like, my poor choir buddy i never talked to before going to italy, my colleague at the learning lab whom i at first didn't think was particularly nice (sorry rachel :p you know i love you :)), colleagues at citibank whom i actually got along with (as compared to my internship at MOF, didn't know anyone etc), ... okay i guess the citibank folks are people i just met and we aren't crazy close, but i think i hung out with them enough to be comfortable and have fun with. and i say God provided them because the first two are christians and there were another two christians in the citibank crowd, and i totally did not expect to be meeting christians (or finding out that they are) in my jobs, at least. i don't quite know why.

anyway yeah... so about different thresholds. i don't really know, it really seems to depend on how well i click with someone plus how much effort is put into the relationship. i mean, for one, i was actually quite surprised at how well i clicked w jackie. not that i really remember how we met, even though she describes it to me so often and i'm like really? i don't quite remember that.. but yeah. and i'm actually quite lazy/can go on days without seeing people so i think the poor girl is usually the one calling me up. oops. and then my fellow singaporeans@stanford, i've gone on trips with them, hung out during the year (sometimes), complained about school and life to them. gonna miss the graduating ones awfully:( and there're the sealnet folks..

isn't it more like some old friends fall off your radar as you keep meeting new people? i think i've heard that before too... two schools of thought huh. either moving on while keeping the best old friends or staying with the old friends and not really making very close new ones. actually no, i think i've heard more of the latter... how confusing.

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