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it's 5:30am and I'm still not done packing.. I really underestimated the amount of stuff I have. or the amount of space that my things take up, anyway. or maybe it's just because i'm using small boxes and there're like 6 of them:| Kevin passing me the headphones to carry back is really God's providence, cos I definitely wouldn't have had enough boxes otherwise.

today was so crazy. i finally started packing properly on wed night (after i finished my introsem paper at like 11:30pm:|) and then slept at 3, got up at 10. went to lunch at google! courtesy of seng.. it was so cool!!! i think while apple was sleek and everything, google is just cool. heh. they had huge whiteboards with mindmappy sort of things.. kitchenettes within 100 feet of each other (!!! ridiculous.. and with so much food).. sort-of-playhouse-looking offices.. a bunch of smileyface balloons at every intern's desk.. and then stuff that seng was telling me about: a treadmill-swimming pool (actually a wave pool but you swim against it or something like that), a waterfall-decoration thing created by one of the employees, ...

i totally forgot i'd read about google's interesting company culture. but their office is so funky.. i don't think any office in spore is like that. such a pity. it doesn't even seem like an office! heh. well okay it does, it has the normal tables and stuff.. but other than that! ooh. i was telling seng i was tempted to do CS instead and go work at google too. ahaha. but anyway. again, i'm just looking at it from an outsider's point of view.. work politics is another thing. if there is such a thing there? hehe.

alright i really should get back to packing.. can't believe it's been a year. i think i've said that at least 3 times. and i've never slept past like 3am until coming to college. -shakes head-

man. one final in a day is more than enough for me.. i just finished two almost back to back (thankfully not, i don't know how kiat survived his 3-finals-in-a-day) finals and i'm so drained. still have another one tomorrow morning which i haven't finished studying for. sigh my roommate is packing and watching a movie at the same time.. i'm going to have to ask her to stop when i finish typing this. or maybe i should just go down and read since i don't particularly need to be at my computer/in my room. hm.

anyway. the IHUM TFs were so nice though, I'll miss them, sort of. so when i arrived at my TF's office to take my exam earlier so I could, quote him, get some rest before econ, he wasn't around! bah. luckily I recognized one of the other TFs (hosek) and she gave me the exam and everything. she was kinda strict about us not being rude and packing up in the last few minutes of lecture, but she was really nice about giving me a room and desk to work at, the exam and paper and things.

so i started reading the stuff and everything.. and i thought i was in her office, until my TF from last quarter (crowder) came in and was like hello! so i turned around and was like !! haha. took me a little bit more than a split second to recognize him. but it was cool, he said "how's it going?" and i said okay.. and he said he was going to work in there for a bit. and i said sure, maybe he'll give me inspiration haha:p he wasn't in the office much, which was kinda good cos i get distracted pretty easily.

after that, my this quarter TF popped his head in and i was like hi. n he offered to get me a blue book (and crowder did too) but hosek gave me foolscap already so i said it's okay.. but they were really nice about everyth:) aw.

alright, better study psych. desperately need to pull my grade up. it's so interesting how psych incorporates IHUM stuff (evil in Eichmann in Jerusalem) and econ stuff (prisoner's dilemma).

now I understand why my brother said it's important for my social life to revolve around a church fellowship group more. I was just feeling (as usual) disheartened and weary and wondering how I'm going to get through finals. and whined at cs for a bit. haha that poor guy, I think I whine at him a lot. but anyway he was like god will give you strength. and then I realized, as usual, I'd forgotten Him. it's always so easy to forget. but so comforting when people (e.g. sean) say they'll pray for you and things like that.

which suddenly made me think of how darryl n daryl are both so involved in their church groups. slightly uncanny resemblance there. although they're really very different characters heh. but anyway, yeah. if you stick with christians your spiritual life will be much enriched. and then that day that email came from church at home about marrying in christ. heh. interesting timing there too.

a while ago i suddenly thought about home and really wanted to be back. how peculiar. reading my psych textbook day in day out is getting to my head, methinks. it's also very person-centered, which may or may not be a good thing. people behave differently in different social situations. so acute.

on wednesday/thursday I thought I had a lot of time. now I'm wondering if I can prepare adequately:| I guess I'll have to rely on BS-ing skills for IHUM. which evidently, I'm still not very good at. save for the occasional burst of brilliance. heh. Let's hope it manifests itself on Tues afternoon.

and so, there's just a week left. and it'll be the end of freshman year. next year will be a different dorm, a different roommate (i hope we have less problems with sleep schedules and etc), a different atmosphere (no IHUM!! ahaha), a different batch of Singaporeans coming in. seniors & masters students will be back in Singapore, working for whoever it is they're bonded to. can't imagine not having them around. but i've said that already.

i wonder who'll pledge next fall. that'll be interesting. and i can't decide if i should go abroad next spring. which means i would have to turn down the peer mentoring thing. which i don't really mind, but i feel kinda bad about cos i did talk to my advisor about it and stuff. or should i go abroad on some other program which hopefully costs less? ahh. i think jackie would wanna go to paris too, which would be fun..

on wed during chi alpha glen gave the seniors a book on how to fit in back at home. wat a curious concept. if u've left home for too long u go back and it's all different. kinda sad in a way. but everything's sad in a way. alright i've just worked myself into a melancholic mood

oh!! kaiping told me about rj chorale's performance at czech music festival.. that was so awesome. pamugun. the bird whistles and stuff.. i wish my comp had let me watch the video:( this is when i'd say stupid mac, grr.

i'm in such a confused state of mind and i don't even know why. must be end-of-the-year blues or something heh.

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