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haha for once i think this is going to be a slightly more sane entry. anyway. yeah. kind of sad about yesterday. last concert! and the worst part was that now i look back at it i wasn't really feeling anything. which is quite pathetic. i think i just totally zoned out. oh yeah and on thurs nite/fri morn i was just thinking i'm like this balloon full of air. almost to bursting point. then once it pops there's only the 'skin' left.

anyway. yes. i was kind of sad that i didn't feel as much for the concert as i think i wud have if i hadn't sat 2 today. yeah. cos after the concert my one track mind immediately switched to sat 2 mode. like. okay. hurry up and get home n sleep/prep. yeah. so. just felt that it was rather a pity tt i chose to take sats today. but it's over.

yup was v glad to see all e pple at the concert:) thanks for coming! hope u all had a great time:)

now to whine about sat2. i think i was still like half awake. cos maybe i had to wake up at like 7. which is like normal school day. totally sucky. and then the writing topic was horrendous. "the twentieth century will be known as the ____ century." like. yay i have no idea wat big thing happened in the 1990's? so i wrote some rubbish. n i din realise how long it takes to write one paragraph. and i don't think my vocab was very varied.

yeah. not sure about some of the tenses and stuff. i tend to blame it on the spore system cos until like sec 1 or sth when i started learning french then i really knew wat a noun/object/adjective and all those words were. as in before that i'd just be using it and not knowing wat it was. and the name of the tenses. stuff like that. anyway. math was okay but i wasn't sure about 2 logic qns [i'm illogical yes] and one other qn.

ah. enough of that. can't get down to doing work. so unappealing. eeks. i want to watch my cirque du soleil dvds but doesn't seem like i'll get to until june hols or sth. welll..

and i can't believe u all went to fullerton last night! life is unfair. growl.

hums. yay! for the 1st time in like 2 weeks i'm actually home before 8. whee~ at least i can finally do some proper prepping for sats. anyway. like i was saying to lots of pple. my life currently consists of sleeping, singing and -trying- to prep for sats. the keyword there is trying. so being a student is part time. heh. haven't done tutorials for wat seems like ages.

i don't think i've ever gone to sleep with the intention of doing so for the past 2 weeks either. and then on tues nite i fell asleep with the lights on.. and then halfway somehow i thought it was day cos it seemed like it was quite bright so i woke up. to find tt it was 4am.

anyhow. yah. during assembly candice was flipping thru my diary. and we came to italy trip! mm. makes me remember all the french immersion stuff. hope it'll be as fun:) though i don't think we'll get as much free time as we did in france. the grp's like 3 times the size. but its a long long time till then. sprinkled with a few lecture tests/bio prac test in the weeks in between.

right. i think i'll go take a nap. the luxury of which i haven't had a for a long time! haha i wonder who'll get dunked on ora. quite funny. were trying to persuade mr chan today. who sed he had to go home n discuss with his wife. oh and raphael's corny jokes.. man.. well at least i stayed awake thruout chem lect. maybe also cos of the cold. heh.

very frustrated at the moment. headaches plus not being able to do math/chem s is not very comforting. and i haven't done sat 2 yet either. okay this sounds like a reiteration of the last post. but really. am feeling immensely pressurised somehow or other. lots of little things. please let my life improve after this week. heh. or during the week would be fine too. heh.

really. spent like 1/2hr trying to figure out some trigo crap thing. and then the stupid buffer thing and was getting negative values for concentration till i wanted to fling/hurl sth out of the window and was banging the table. i think i shall go back n bang somemore rofl.

am terrified of sat 2 essay writing component. its crazy to give u one quotation/statement n ask u to comment in 20mins. esp when the topics are so broad. n i haven't even tried. probably cos i'm scared of it. aarghhhh.

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