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ohh!! i forgot about this.. yesterday i was out w jane shopping;) assuage boredom yeah? anyways so after everything [including eating crepes and feeling guilty about the pounds put on haha:p] i went to music essentials at meridien and was browsing.. so happened that the bks i was looking at were nxt to the counter.. this british woman stepped up to the counter and asked in this posh british accent for the theory syllabus for this yr [i tink? i forgot.. but it was some kind of a syllabus:]
anyway the person at the counter informed her tt it was only available at music schools such as cristofori, kawaii, yamaha, etc.. and then she got super-pissed and went on in a rather ungracious manner about how "i'm not going to trek around the whole of singapore looking for theory syllabuses!" and "in london, -every- music shop has the theory syllabus.." and basically being totally annoying.. talk about snobbish.. sheesh. her voice was absolutely grating on my nerves.

anyhow.. i spent 1/2 of today listening to the radio! normally i dun listen unless i'm in the car and its usually on classical/news/french on the really rare occasions
to think most teenagers are spposed to listen to the radio all the time or sth. ah well. guess its cos there's only one compo/combo? watever. and its in my bro's room and he listens to it all the time when he's home and i can't be bothered to move it over to my room. also my room's in such a mess i don't think i'd have space for it. was just in a musicky mood today:) haha i have just invented an adjective! yay:)

hmm i tink the concert on sun nite will be interesting.. 6 pianos! can't imagine how much practise it took.

lalala i'm so glad i figured out all this crap
but its time for lunch
haha i'm so lazy i woke up at 11 and therefore didn't have breakfast
tts clar for u

its working
but rather weirdly
comments box at the top of each post? hmm.. i dunno.. heck.. at least i got it up.. ha! to chris!:P

argh i have no idea how to add in the comments thing
has been annoying me for quite sometime!
i shall have to ask chris to help [haha fine chris i give up:p]
can't believe this.. even after a 2 yr crap comp course [aka cift] at spore poly.. bah..

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