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okays. long time since last post. today's news was shocking. and terribly so. i always saw her as a happy cheerful sunshiney sort of person who wouldn't let things get her down so easily but i guess maybe i didn't noe her well enough to judge. maybe it was just a brave front or sth. i have no idea. whole sch was so solemn today. hushed. sorrow. and it was terrible seeing how people felt so bad about it but no one could do anything about it.

and last night's finals. once i stepped off the stage i just felt relaxed i think. can't really pinpoint the feeling anymore. i thought we might have been able to win on repertoire but i guess maybe that wasn't enough. o well i really don't know. felt kind of disappointed but not totally crushed. was just thinking we've done wat we could already, no point worrying or watever. mom had a lot of interesting comments, some of which i suppose i would agree with but the others, hmm..

still worrying. hope everyth is and will be plain fine.

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