Tuesday, April 13, 2010

it's a pity that when i finally decide to blog again, it's cos i'm in a bad mood. i suppose if i'm in a good mood there isn't much to rant about huh? or it goes into my written diary... e.g. praises for what God has done. the irony. anyway i can't figure out if i'm being PMSy or tired or what it is, but really, I was in such a bad mood today! I think working late last week + on Saturday really made me feel like I'm so done with this stupid report so Monday was kind of unproductive (plus my manager told me I could go home at a decent hour, so I kind of assumed the worst was over - not true). Today at 6:30 he stops by and pretty much tells me I've to stay late (or was assuming that I was going to, whereas I was actually intending on leaving already. More irony). I guess that's why we didn't have to work too much on the weekend.

He was really nice about it though, said to make up for it, if we get an extension I can go home earlier on Friday. I'm like haha... I just got arrowed to audit this other huge report due next Fri, fat chance about leaving at decent hours for the next week or so, it seems. Anyway, was just not very gracious about it in general. Maybe I'm just tired.

God has been good, nevertheless. I did get a nice brunch on Sat and Bobby McFerrin! and hanging out with Selene! and different yummy Vietnamese food + pandan waffle/improv on Fri/finding the hill! But I guess that came with sleep deprivation too so not the most ideal... Ah well, at least there're more waffles coming up this Sat :p and SF Symphony on Sat night! Yeah... maybe that'll motivate me. and I also have to stop stress-eating..