Saturday, October 17, 2009

wow, i don't know why i felt so tired by the time it was 5pm... i also don't know why i can't seem to wake up past 9am anymore. i guess it's kind of been like that since last summer/recruiting season last year, but... hm. rather odd. even this summer at home, if i went to bed at 3am i'd still wake up at 9. i guess i wanted to eat breakfast cos there were so many nice things to eat, but really. so greedy! anyway... oh, i got my remote (for the car) programmed today, didn't realize it was so easy! the technician did it for me in a matter of seconds. awesome :) and i paid like USD30 (from ebay) instead of 80 (if i'd gotten it from the dealer).

then, cs cooked lunch. or, i guess, technically winston did. haha. man, that sambal was crazy.. :p i came out from the bathroom upstairs and it assailed my nose. i can't imagine what it must've been like for those downstairs! anyway we had to open the windows and all to let the smell out. ridiculous... it was VERY powerful sambal. i guess there was too much... so hot! haha. so had to eat slowly... which i guess wasn't a bad thing. i'm kinda surprised that they were full with just two dishes though. i was good, but then i'm a girl, and a tiny one at that. maybe the rice was filling. hm. and then cs made molten chocolate cake! gosh it was sooo good. but so bad too cos we had crepe + ice cream last night, and then i eat dessert AGAIN today. ah well... -shakes head-

anyhow. dropped bert back at his dorm and got a tour of the newly renovated crothers. man, it is SO nice. i was like why did i graduate again... hm. then went to visit lorra for a bit. and back to talk to cs.. heh. now i understand. the pressure of expectation. the better your track record, the more expectations you've to live up to. but you know, just do the best you can and God will do the rest. after all, He put me in my job and as much as it's tedious right now/people are working crazy hours and not going home... there is a purpose. i'm sorry i'm really not more positive about talking about work right now. it is SUCH a pain to have to explain my job to people. "i work in economic consulting." "what?? what is that?" "well, we work for lawyers and figure out how much damages to pay when one company infringes another's patent." i really need to just write it on the back of my namecard and people can read it themselves... jackie'd probably say that's so me, given that (this she always recalls with great fondness) when we met at international orientation and she asked what my name was, i just held up my nametag wearily. something to that effect. maybe this is what chuansheng means by "clarissa lin! never change..."

yeah anyway that whole job-explaining thing came into effect especially during the sas bbq, when i was meeting so many people. but wait. i get ahead of myself. that will come in soon...
ok, then i dropped by borders. i think i will buy these two francis chan books. one of which was recommended by this lady at church last week. it's called crazy love! just exactly what i need, i think. how do i love God...

after that, went to pick cheukka and shifeng up from the caltrain station and showed them around campus. it's funny, i've graduated and i'm still showing people around campus! it's nice that i get to go back though. bought a decal for my car :p

then brought them over to cs and winston's. wow, the astar scholars are really close. i guess i started getting tired then. and then when it came to the bbq... gosh. all these people i don't know. and don't really want to meet, hm. making conversation is tiring. i guess given that i'd been hanging around people since 12:30pm and it was almost 6:30pm by then.. too much. was really really tired by then. so yoga was good. too tired to run/do elliptical. and yoga music is relaxing. ahh. sooo good. i don't even know why i was more tired today (mentally, i guess) than from work normally.